Design for interactive eLearning professional development


Account Management
Design Research

Design Challenge

The client, a corporate HR department needed a way to create an interactive professional development  learning tool on negotiation skills. The solution needed to appeal to young ambitious consultants who learn in a mobile flexible environment.

My Role

Account Management
Client liasion, presented all final assets

Team Management
I managed overseas technology team of five, ensured  all graphic design outputs, technology and content  were delivered effectively from initial brief through to delivery. 

Design Research
Led interviews with a leading expert in negotiation skills, synthesized and created content (developed into scenarios and video outcall outs) and assessment model.
Feature prioritization, user flows, sketch, low-fidelity wireframes,  

Usability Testing
Led task analysis, field-based testing, issues analysis

A platform with learning modules in the form of comic strip design including video narration and teaching content, and built-in assessment.

Content-centered around motivation, managing the learning process so that learners can engage in simplified elements in real problem contexts. The learners are prompted to explain and reflect on their work.

The UX integrated scaffolded learning and self-regulated learning. Self-regulated learning (SRL) is made up of instructional processes aligned to support both will and skill. Integrated digital video- Used for both instruction and at various points in the assessment process. Interactive learning - shows progress and scoring with assessment built-in.and created the information architecture for the assessment model.